Working to perform at Planetario of Milan on 13th of April. Playing with the Reihe Laptop Ensemble and Sinestesia Ensemble for the second Astronomical Concert_ Try to test the optimization with the apc40 controller and the custom patch for it_ 4 original Max/MSP patches for the event, Tropical Synthesys implementation, 4 different sources in the space. 2 acoustic musicians playing along wth the electronics. “Lost in time Lost in space”_ 3 pieces by three of the most important composers of the minimalism music: • Music in Similar Motion - Philip Glass • A Rainbow in Curved Air - Terry Riley
• Phase Patterns - Steve Reich Through the history of the universe, planets' trajectories and the brightest stars, a travel to discover something that maybe could be found inside you while looking at the huge space above your head. Link to the event: •·°•··.•··.°··••
Francesco Bossaglia, Music Director
ENSEMBLE SINESTESIA: Marina Notaro, saxophone Silvia Cattaneo, sintesyzer REIHE LAPTOP ENSEMBLE: (artistic residence at AGON)
Luca Cozzi, laptop
Luca Pagan, laptop
Yuri Padashifard, laptop
Andrea Cerrato, laptop
Giorgio Sancristoforo, coordinator